
We’re Mitch and Wendy. We love our kid and our kitties.

Mitch Harris

Mitch Harris

AKA Mitch the Geek, the Hubbin, Cutie Cute, Sweet, Mitchilicious

Mitch is a husband, a father, a computer genius and a Prius driving, Obama supporting, NPR listening, Whole Foods shopping, Mac using, sushi eating San Francisco liberal. He spends an amazing amount of time volunteering with Isadora’s preschool helping the teachers with their technology, and for the upcoming school year is Classroom Parent. When not fixing computers, Mitch runs the household ferrying Isadora to and from school, vacuuming with our beloved Dyson or chilling on the couch playing pinball.

Wendy Guthrie Harris

Wendy Guthrie Harris

AKA Wendell, Wen, Weniki, Bella Leone, Bendy Bend, Bendables, Chicken, Schmindy

Wendy is a wife, a mother, and lover of crafts and good food. I’m a cube monkey by day and a master list maker by night. I love love love writing “To Do” lists and take great satisfaction in crossing things off said list when I have the opportunity. There are times when I actually get around to doing things on my list. For example, I just crossed off an item on a list that was dated August 2009. Boy that felt good!

Isadora Harris

Isadora Harris

AKA Isa, Isadorable, Izzy Fizzy Soda Pop, Pinchy McLobster Giant Baby Monster.

Current favorite dinnertime topics: dinosaurs, zombies, Uncle Dougie’s missing toes. When not talking about dinosaurs, you can often find Isadora playing with dinosaurs, reading a dinosaur book or watching a dinosaur program.



AKA Murky Murk, Murk-Murk-Murk-Murk!, Murkfatistan, Murkatroid, Rotunda, Fatty Fat Fat.

Murky loves to eat and sleep. She also likes to fetch spinner discs. When not doing one of those three things, you can find her sitting motionless in the window chattering at the pigeons. It’s kind of fun to watch her scramble when the neighborhood hawk lands on our fire escape.



AKA Kirby Monster Kirbalicious, Kirbles of the Wurbles, Kirbkirbs

You know, it really doesn’t matter what we call this cat because he is deaf. Completely deaf–which makes for a very mellow cat. Unless you take him out of our apartment. Then he walks around with low slung butt and yowls in a monotone deaf-voice. Kirby loves to wake up at 5:00 a.m. and beg for food. First, he’ll rub his cold nose on Mitch. That doesn’t usually work. Then, he’ll climb up on the bookshelf and pull apart Mitch’s lego creations on brick at a time and spit them out to the ground. That works every time! Only we don’t reward him with food. We just lock him out of the bedroom and go back to sleep.

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