Play Houses

On November 2, 2009, in Arty Crafty, Kid, by Wendy

I’m totally obsessed with sewing a playhouse for Izzy. I’ve been getting loads of inspiration. It started with the table tent. Now, I’m seeing great fabric playhouses all over the internets.

Behold this adorable Felt Playhouse by Homemade by Jill that uses a dining table for the base. I like the sturdiness of the fabric and it’s easy to cut and sew. And the best part is, I don’t have to worry about finishing the edges. However, our table is right next to the radiator, and I wonder how breathable the felt house will be. It could turn out to be quite stuffy in the little house even if I have windows cut out in the fabric walls.

Felt Playhouse Homemade by Jill

And now I just discovered this wonderful Little Blue House by ikat bag. I love that it uses a PVC pipe frame that can be taken down and put back up in a matter of minutes. We wouldn’t have to rely on using the dining table for play and we can take it with us when we travel. The designer mentions that the weight of the fabric was a bit much for the frame and she had to scrap the internal layer even though she was using lightweight fabrics.

Little Blue House by Ikat Bag

Hmmm…pros and cons for both approaches. And, I still like the simplicity of the first table tent I stumbled across. I need to start sketching out the little house I want to make for Isadora and see where it takes me.

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